So you’ve worked out and feel the burn. Sweat is dripping, muscles are tight…and your stomach is growling! It takes a lot of energy to workout and afterwards it is really important that you replenish some of the nutrients you burned off. After getting in such a great workout, it would be a shame to refuel your body with junk, so check out these three munchies perfect for your post workout snack.

Chocolate & Strawberries

Ok, ok, it’s not quite the romantic version of the sweet treat, but at just 116 calories total Half a Luna Protein Chocolate Bar (85 calories) and eight medium strawberries (31 calories) give you just the right amount of nutrients and sweetness to send your body into a state of heavenly bliss.

Greek Yogurt

When all else fails and you can’t decide what to eat after a workout, good old fashion yogurt will never let you down. I personally like plain vanilla yogurt (boring I know), but at just 140 calories Peach Chobani Greek yogurt is the perfect way to take your snack from bland to tasty in no time.

Carrots and Hummus

Post workout snacks don’t aren’t all about sweet treats and fruits, you’ve got to get your veggies in there too. After getting your workout on, munch on 15 baby carrots with two tablespoons of hummus on the side and I guarantee you, not only will your eyesight improve, but it will be the tastiest 123 calories you’ve ever had. Trust us!

What are your favorite post workout snacks?


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  1. Carrots and hummus is not only my favorite post workout snack, it’s my favorite snack period. If I want to indulge ill add a couple of whole wheat pretzel sticks to the mix.

  2. Gatorade G Series is my ish right now but I can get down with chocolate and strawberries

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