As daily calorie counts vary by the individual, Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio’s What I Eat explores the eating habits of 80 individuals in 30 different countries. Complemented by stunning portraits, each individual’s profile lists their name, age, height, weight, meal descriptions, and caloric value of food for the day. From the Namibia tribes woman to the Chinese teenage acrobat, the range of caloric intakes was fascinating across profiles, and proved once again that calorie counting diets must be customized to the individual. Between genetics, physical activity, and the profile stats listed above, the participants represented a variety of body types and lifestyles, providing a diverse global perspective on health and nutrition.
Check out some profile excerpts from Time‘s review of What I Eat.
- What I Eat by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio
I am so happy to see this book. My friend and I were just discussing cross-cultural perspectives on nutrition and our desire to learn more!! Gotta pick this up!!