This post will ultimately amount to free advertising, but honestly it feels so good to report on America’s love of bacon. July should be National Pork Month instead of October considering the summer, and especially the 4th of July, is probably the only time I see folks eating pork ribs by the boat-load. But, I digress.
A Southern California eatery, Slater’s 50/50, honored the birth of America by paying tribute to its love of processed meat with a burger that one up’s Wendy’s “Baconator.” The aptly named “‘Merica burger” delivers you to cardiac arrest heaven with the following:
The 100% bacon patty is topped with a slice of bacon, a sunny-side up egg (no word on whether it’s cooked in bacon grease) a slice of bacon-infused cheddar cheese, bacon Thousand Island dressing, and it’s on a bacon-infused bun.
Bacon-infused anything usually brings fat asses to the table in America. Never mind my cynicism, folks shouldn’t be afraid to indulge in scrupulous inventions such as this one and its cheesy companion/competition/muse? Zombie Burger’s “Walking Ched Burger,” which boasts a deep-fried mac & cheese burger bun!
Good bless America …
There is no way I’ll put something like that into my body. I maybe a omnivore, but I’m “HOG” when it comes to food.
That should read “I’m no “HOG” .
i have no word’s for how utterly disgusting this all sound’s