The brand new subscription service provides women with 5-7 samples of products and educational resources monthly that will help them transition into a completely holistic lifestyle.
A holBOX subscription costs $25/month, a bit more than your average subscription service due to the boxes feature of organic and natural ingredients which tend to cost a little more.
Each holBOX features product samples that can be used on the body, hair mind and household and information/advice on product usage learn all about the benefits of key ingredients used.
One of my FAVORITE monthly services is called Curl Box, the first subscription service for naturally curly hair! An affordable, effortless and EXCLUSIVE way to experience products for CURLY HAIR! Definitely worth checking out as well! 🙂
@NJK: No disrespect, but Curl Box is all fluff no real quality. It’s all about presentation for them.
I’d like to know more about the experience of these boxes. They all look delightful, but what’s underneath hood more important than the package.