Hand-me-downs have gotten a makeover in recent years as thrifting and vintage shopping, whether from the local thrift store, or your parents closet, has unveiled secret treasures of fly threads and undiscovered style. Hipsters, professionals and fashion connoisseurs a like know the value of scoring a great deal on second life clothing and now it seems as the whole world is catching on.
Not only is recycled style light on the wallet, but it’s also easier on the planet, making this trend a win-win for us all. Living a thrifty life in this century comes with even greater perks. The dusty thrift store isn’t the only place shoppers can browse in search of new looks and home décor. While eBay still has its value as the heart of discarding old items to the highest bidder, new online e-boutiques have stepped up their game, offering both a high-style experience and discounted clothing.
Growing sites like Thread Flip, Like Twice, and SnobSwap create online exchanges where people can sell, swap, shop and flip for clothing, accessories, and shoes with the click of a button. Best of all, there’s no hassle to turn your regular spring cleaning routine into a gold mine. Most of these sites allow you to send your items to them directly (they pay shipping), they’ll measure it, photograph it for their website and then ship it directly to customers. No more endless trips to the donation center or waiting in line to get a receipt for your old household goods.
As a country we throw away over 20 billion pounds of clothing away annually. Of that 20 billion, households throwing away an average of 175 pounds of clothing each year, finding a new home for gently used items keeps textiles out of landfills and opportunities for people to thin out their closets, score a few bucks without the need for a yard sell (who wants to haggle anyway?) and avoid creating new waste.
How do you currently recycle your old clothes?
I used to just bag them up and give them to my mom….then I found out she was sellling my stuff on ebay!! She like almost $60 off of shoes I bought! Thanks for tge article! Never giving her a bag of clothes again! Ill be making the money!
Usually I just donate, but now I think I’ll be selling some!