Stay Clean
Winter brings out the warm jackets and boots, not to mention the tissues and cough drops.
Double up on natural-based hand sanitizers and make it a point to wash your hands thoroughly after encounters with sick people, public door knobs, faucets and poles.
Clean Well natural hand sanitizer uses thyme oil to kill germs instead of alcohol or triclosan that can be extremely drying and toxic to the hands.
I’m sick right now. Everyone in my house had a cold. I thought I was in the clear because it had been a 1 1/2 week and I’ve been taking vitamin C for 8 weeks, but now I’m sick as a dog w/ chills, stuffy nose, body aches, headache and all. Their colds were mild, but it is hitting me hard.
One thing that does work for sure is drinking 4 ounces of red wine every day, or grape juice for those who do not drink alcohol. I think the acid makes it hard for the virus to live in your gut. I volunteered at my son’s school while a major stomach bug was going around and my nor my kids have gotten sick because we drink grape juice (sometimes wine for me) every day. My little cousin also had to spend the night 2 weeks ago and he had a stomach bug, and my whole family avoided it. I’ve been doing this for four years and it has worked very well for me. (There have been times when I could tell my body was trying to get rid of something because I might have skinny bowels or unusual gas for a day, but the wine has always kept the virus from getting crazy.)
@Le: so what was different this time for you? Did you stop drinking the wine?
@SheIsMe_APB: No, the wine doesnt help in preventing common colds. It helps with stomach viruses. I don’t have a stomach virus at all. I currently have a common cold (albeit quite severe).