Fact 2
Agave has been harvested in Mexico for hundred of years and was even mixed with salt and used as a salve to treat wounds.
Minimally processed agave from the blue agave plant has significant amounts of amino acids and has been proven to provide essential nutrients to the human body.
…Except brown rice syrup has been suspect lately because of the high levels of arsenic. Maybe try something else.
Is it really necessary to click three times just to read this entire article? Couldn’t all this have fit on one page? I’m about to start boycotting the click-through articles and any comment section that forces me to click after less than 50 comments to read the entire conversation thread.
On topic: I’ve only tried agave once, and was just waiting for more information to come out about it. It always seems like there’s some new miracle food on the market that costs more that the foods we’ve been used to but somehow makes all previous food the new devil.