It’s inspiring to see so many people becoming health conscious and daring to take the first steps in healing their physical structures with nature’s nutritional medicine — fruits and veggies. With documentaries like Food Inc. exposing the under belly of America’s interconnected agriculture, fast food, and produce industries, many people are beginning to question what they’ve been told about eating and the science of food.
Like much of most of the knowledge that truly is of value to the overall progression of the human race, the miracle of living foods has gone through the usual cycles of exploitation. Research and studies on the miracle, healing benefits of living foods has been criticized, suppressed, re-discovered, popularized, and brought forth into the general American public health-conscious community as the “new” eating paradigm.
Many consumers adopt popular diet trends in the hopes of finding long-lasting cures. But they still lack the information needed to assist in actual implementation. I find this to be particularly true for the living foods and juicing movement. This is partly due to commercialization, which only reveals and sells certain aspects of the miracles of living foods. Wholistic living, however, is just that — whole — and comprehensive.
Try reading these following top books, which go beyond the usual information and delve deep into nutrition and the importance of overall healing. Read the following books and increase your understanding to an “overstanding” so no matter what way you decide to consume, you will have the tools necessary to truly know what your body is going through every bite of the way.
I love Arnold Ehret!! The Mucusless Diet Healing System is a must read and his other books, incl. Rational Fasting, are great, too.