If you overindulge in soda a lot more than you should, it’s time for you to put it aside, and pick up a glass of water instead. A new medical study reveals that drinking soda just might hinder your metabolism’s ability to function properly.
You may remember recently that Mayor Bloomberg proposed banning the sale of large sodas and soft drinks in New York. Well now countries such as Denmark and France are following suit. Each country in discussions as to whether to create a soft drink tax which they hope will help curb consumption.
The average consumer has gone from drinking 10 gallons a year, to 25 gallons, says the Daily Mail. The study, done at Bangor University, cites that drinking soda increases weight gain and slows our body down. With much of our system depending on energy, the sugar found in much of our sodas have become the fuel that our metabolisms feed from.
Soft drinks have also been linked to pancreatic cancer, obesity, and long-term liver disease. Similarly, research suggests that our food and drinking patterns are linked. Not surprising, since children who reach for sodas, also tend to reach for chips, or something that is high in calories. Children who drink water don’t often have that same craving.
Sugar has faced an increase of scrutiny over the years. Since it makes up the majority of most of our soft drink and sodas — a red bull contains seven teaspoons of sugar per 250ml, and a can coke contains nine teaspoons – it has been the subject of many research reports.
In a New York Times report, “Is Sugar Toxic,” which examined the results of leading expert in childhood obesity, Robert Lustig, examined how sugar is a silent killer. An investigation in the British Medical Journal insists that popular brands such as Lucozade and Powerade contain large amounts of sugar. It’s also important to note that campaigns are reaching around the globe in hopes of implementing programs on healthier eating. The popularity of sodas and soft drinks have skyrocketed, so it’s important that we watch what we’re eating and how often we’re eating it.
Are you prone to drink soft drinks and soda?