Fitness has so many rules that it is practically its own religion. Don’t believe me? Try and talk a triathlete out of their long ride/run/swim on Sundays. You might as well be stealing from the offerings plate. But it’s hard not to break a rule sometimes and I’m a rebel rule breaker! (Lie. I’m a total rules follower. Always have been, always will be.) Yet some of the worst fitness offenses I commit are related to one of the biggest fitness commandments – forgive me readers, for I have sinned.
How To Buy Fitness Shoes
Rule 1: Always buy a shoe based on function, not looks.
Confession: I buy shoes because they’re pretty. I used to wear these really ugly shiny white athletic shoes because they got the highest ratings for the activities I did. And then I got tired of being all party on top and business on bottom (wow, that came out badly). Now I look for style first and hope they will be halfway related to what I need them for. True story: I was thisclose to buying a pair of golf shoes even though I’ve golfed exactly once in my whole life because they were just that cute. So when Mizuno asked if I’d try out its new wave enigma shoes, the first thing I did was examine the picture from all angles. Adorable!! Yes, send me a pair please!
Hmm…this seems like a big advertorial for Mizuno Wave Enigmas disguised as an fitness article. :/
@Gwen: Nope, not at all. We don’t have advertorials on this site w/o full disclosure, but if you can get some shoe companies to send us some shoes you’d like us to review, please e-mail me personally at