Bike Seats

Avid cyclists know that a lot of time in the saddle can cause some, well, saddle sores. Fortunately there are now “anatomic relief” bike seats designed to take the pressure off of your most sensitive areas. But guessing from the price – a man’s saddle is $24.99 and a woman’s saddle of the same brand and model is $39.99 – manufacturers must think our lady bits are way more sensitive.

Worth it? I don’t think anyone would recommend using a seat seat designed for the male anatomy so this is one price differential you’ll probably just have to accept. Or buy the kind with the individual butt pads – they may look dorky but my dad swears they are the most comfy things since the Snuggie.

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  1. Pink is a hustle. Susan G komen proved that to us all earlier this year. Companies love that women will pay extra to look good in the gym.

  2. While I enjoyed reading the article, and I believe to some extent it is true that women are willing to pay more and companies can take advantage of this, as the article notes, the yellow gloves were also more expensive. You often pay more for a product that is colored rather than standard black. I recently bought an espresso machine and paid $50 more for a red one. Plenty of guys I know pay more for color.

  3. Sigh… I actually bought the pink boxing gloves!!! And I love them. However, it does irk me that women are charged more for products in general. Maybe someone will start an online petition to send to the companies and stop the madness!!!

  4. The Mighty Quinn

    I have to admit I LLLOVE the pink!!!! I have had my pink boxing gloves for about 8 years now (imagine how much they cost back then). I have always been a tomboy and was a jockette growing up. When I came into my girliness, I wanted something feminine, I already have a big foot so could not get the cute girlie anything, so when equipment started coming out in pink , I snapped it up. As a SCUBA diver, I started off with pink accessories but could not find a good pair of pink fins in my size. Sure I could get them if I wanted to order about 200 pairs in an XL size. One thing I do find with pink accessories is as a diver, it makes other women comfortable trying the sport that is dominated by men.

  5. I too hate pink and find it insulting that for it to be for a women, it has to be pink. I also think it is a racket. But if pink makes you move, more power to you.

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