If you’ve ever wondered how Jada Pinkett Smith has stayed so slim after X chidren, look no further than her West Indian grandmother.
In an interview with ESSENCE, the actress claims that she put her on the right path to eating healthy:
“If I could have French Fries and pizza every day I would really live off that. My real diet though, well, I don’t eat for pleasure. I probably had the only West Indian grandmother that could not cook. [Laughs] She was an awful cook, and she taught me that you don’t eat for taste, you eat for nourishment. And I have kept that over the years, so I can eat anything that’s healthy. I eat for my schedule so I have to eat high-protein, lots of greens and healthy carbs so that I don’t fall flat on my face.”
The actress’schedule is certainly one for the stars. Her latest project, playing Gloria the Hippo in Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted is in theaters today.
She is also busy working on her Red Table Top series, in which she, her mother Adrienne Banfield, and her daughter Willow have various discussions about happiness, motherhood, and past mistakes.