We already know that drinking water has a ton of health benefits. From keeping your skin looking young to helping reduce post workout soreness, water is your best friend. Now a recently released report is giving us another reason to drink up by claiming that dehydration can actually affect your mood. A new, small study of 25 women suggests that being dehydrated can take a toll on women’s mood and cognitive function.

In the study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that dehydration was a key factor in causing headaches, loss of focus, fatigue and low mood while exercising and resting. The study made sure to point out that the women in the study weren’t severely dehydrated, just about 1 percent lower than their optimal hydration levels.

The research just adds to the evidence that drinking enough water is good for our bodies. Being properly hydrated keeps our body temps regulated and our tissues moist, aids in digestion and helps to remove waste. With all the added benefits, how could you not want to indulge in a cool glass? So here’s to your health … drink up!


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