From VegSource – Below are some of the alerts out there on a wide variety of supplements.
Our advice: if you’re vegan, other than Vitamin B12, why do you need these? What are you realistically unable to get that you need to expose yourself to the known and unknown problems of many common supplements and vitamins?
This info comes from, an organization that tests and identifies the actual ingredients in many leading supplements. They require you pay $30 to join their website and get access to detailed reports on specific vitamins and supplements. We are not endorsing them or their operation, and have no relationship with them.
Our central point however is this: If you are using supplements, caveat emptor! These recent independent analyses found that 50% of the Vitamin K, 21% of the Calcium & 28% of the Vitamin D supplements tested, failed to meet quality standards and several were contaminated with lead. found problems with 29% of the vitamin D supplements selected for testing and review. Vitamin D plays a critical role in bone health, and higher blood levels are associated with reduced risk of heart attack and diseases including depression, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma. But you must choose vitamin D supplements carefully.