As I was scrolling through my Facebook timeline the other day, I was greeted with this very gruesome image. I was definitely not prepared and glad I had already finished my breakfast at this point. PETA had done it again, produced an attention grabbing ad to make people think or vomit or both. It personally made me think about all the non-vegans out there and what type of response it was evoking with my meat eating friends.
As most people are aware, PETA is known for its shock tactics regarding ditching meat. While this approach does seem to work for some — last check, they were at 1,593,665 likes on Facebook — I’m sure there are just as many people or more who are turned off by their way of promoting the cruelty-free lifestyle.
I actually giggled a little bit at the ad once I got beyond the initial shock because thinking of eggs in this way is what prompted my sister to stop eating them cold turkey. We just happened to be talking about eggs and we discussed them literally and that’s all it took for her to stop eating omelets. She has a very queasy stomach so this ad definitely would have done her in as well.
Now many would argue that thinking of eggs as “chicken periods” is inaccurate. I searched online and saw arguments on each side of the issue. I found what I believe to be a non-biased and educational breakdown which you can take a gander here and draw your own personal conclusion.
Beyond how you think about eggs, my question is, how far is too far in getting a message across? Do you feel shock tactics and gory ads and demonstrations make a significant difference in one’s dietary choices? This ad may actually offend some and in that case does this make one more indignant about sticking to their current choice to eat eggs or meat in general?
I do think it’s important to remember that promoting meat-free living is not a one-size fits all message. I happen to be a fan of leading by example and educating with compassion, however, there are some that respond to a more blatant and in your face approach to the vegan lifestyle.
Where do you stand with this issue? Do you think by any means necessary is the way to go? Are you offended by this ad? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
PETA is a damn fool for this.
I’ve never understood the purpose of shock advertising. From the anti-drug commercials to class action suits we have to find better ways stimulate conversations around tough issues like animal cruelty and factory farming. Peta is lazy if you ask me. They’ll always go for easy stereotypes . meh
PETA is why I eat meat and wear fur. 🙂
I’m a vegan and I don’t like PETA’s campaigns very much. I’d take an approach that is reasonable and rational, because I think the decision to consume ethically should be taken for rational reasons – not based on emotions and shock. At the same time, PETA’s tactics seem to work, because it’s about getting attention and provoking discussion. Negative attention is attention too, and PETA understands this completely. They’re not bothered by people saying, this is going too far. It’s exactly what they’re going for.
Of course, it is quite ridiculous for someone to say they eat meat and wear fur because they loathe PETA. Again, I think rational adults should make decisions based on rational thinking, and value ethics – wherever it leads them. To do anything else is quite childish, especially when you feel the need to brag about it 🙂
I am a vegetarian and I do donate to PETA, but I am reconsidering. The shock is too over the top and they really turn people off. I prefer to donate to more educational causes and groups.
Wow! The only thing that shocks me is how much effort some will put into you getting you to eat the way they feel is fit for everyone. At some point you should think “This is going to make me look very tasteless”. Extremism is never good. PETA has a lot in common with the folks who go to abortion clinics and show pictures of aborted fetuses to people going in and passing by.
I have a question: When did eating meat or wearing fur become such a bad thing? Our ancestors did it, it’s a biblical practice. I know, I know, there are some inhumane practices that take place in the meat and fur industries and there are issues with how livestock are raised, I get it. But wouldn’t it be better to go after the companies doing the dirty work? Or educating omnivores on how to choose the healthiest and organic meat available? I’m not really sure where it all came from. Anyone have any input for me?
@Cassie, I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the “inhumne practices”. The meat and fur industry has changed drastically over the years and there is a lot of animal cruelty taking place that is unecessary. It’s also important to consider that the practice of factory farming is compromising the integrity of the meat that gets on your plate and doing a number on the environment as well. There are many animal rights groups including PETA (love them or hate them) that campaign hard to go after companies doing the dirty work as you mentioned. You are also absolutely right that everyone should take the time to educate themselves in order to make the most educated choice about what they eat, vegan or not, including what “organic” and “cage-free” meat really means. I would recommend doing some research on the topic and I think this will help you gain a clearer understanding and aid you in making the best choice for yourself.
In general, loving all of the thoughtful and insightful comments on this!
My blood boils anytime PETA compares the plight of actual oppressed PEOPLE to the consumption of meat or animal material, or the use of animals for entertainment. It’s disgusting, inexcusable, and clearly the doing of white liberals who do not care to distinguish between cows and people of color. Here’s one of my favorite clips from the Daily Show with one of my favorite comedians, Wyatt Cenac, embarrassing the s*** out of PETA. Enjoy