Cheaper than therapy

A friend once said that running is cheaper than therapy. I never knew what she meant until now. There’s this weird thing that happens when you run: You deal with stuff. I can’t help but see a run as a metaphor for my life. There are moments when it feels amazing, and there are moments when I want to quit. I get tired. I get frustrated. I get elated. I get peaceful. But through it all, I just have to keep going. Maybe that sounds a little too poetic to you, but many a runs have helped me work through emotional stuff better than any therapist could.

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  1. I absolutely love this post! Running make you feel like you can fly and my favorite part about it is the self-awarenss it brings.

    This sort of self-awareness–knowing my limits and my strengths gives me courage to face life’s adversities…what about you?

    Running is addicting, especially that state of mind, but I currently have an injury…what do you suggest and how do I mentally get through this without the regular surge of endorphins from my morning run?

  2. Running has took me from a size 18 to a size 10 in 90 days. This was also in addition to a change in my eating habits.

  3. running is awesome i do it at the gym well because i have allergies but i still wanna stay in shape so yeah

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