Celebrity fitness trainer Jackie Warner recently released her book 10 Pounds In 10 Days, which divulges her secret formula for getting her star clients red carpet-ready. The program shows you how to lose a quick 10 pounds and how to continue losing weight over 30 days if you have more weight to lose. The book also includes simple food plans and workouts to enhance fat-burning and toning.

Jackie recently spoke to Summer Shape Up and shared her five tips to drop weight and fast. Her tips include cardio-acceleration, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and full-body circuits. Jackie also provides followers of her plan with information on how to eat a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. You can follow either her 10-day diet at 950 calories per day, her 20-day diet at 1,200 calories, or her 30-day diet at 1,500 calories. With summer here and in full swing, Jackie’s books and tips are right on time, but it begs the question of how healthy it really is to drop weight so quickly?

If there is one thing I’ve learned on my rollercoaster ride through this fitness game is that there are no shortcuts. Sure you can follow Jackie’s plan and lose 10 pounds in 10 days, or go on a juice fast for 3 days, etc, but the minute you stop following the program, you’re right back to square one, sometimes with more weight than before. The problem with these programs is that they show you how to lose weight fast for that red carpet event or work function, but they don’t tell you how to lose and maintain for life. Fast may be easy, but it’s not always right. There are already people out there literally dying to be thin, do we really need to encourage their bad habits with books on how to lose weight quick fast and in a hurry?

If celebrity trainers like Jackie truly want people to have the bodies that their clients do then they need to skip the quick fix books and tell the truth. The truth being that their clients probably work out 4 to 5 times a week for 2 or more hours a day and that they eat mostly healthy and strict diets to keep the weight off permanently. They need to write books on how to be fit and healthy for life instead of promoting crash diets that in the end will do more harm than good.

What do you think about rapid weight loss diets? Have you tried any? How long did you keep the weight off?

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  1. I have never tried a “quick weight loss diet” but they to make me a little more intrigued!!

  2. I have tried several quick weight loss diets and they all have work, but as soon as i stop the diet the weight rapidly return and im worse off than ever! so NO MORE “quick weight loss diets for me!! “

  3. I don’t respond well to losing weight fast unless you want to unleash the evil in me…:) I see nothing wrong with the book. Yes, she is offering tips on losing weight fast, but she is alo giving guidance for changing a lifestyle and long term weight loss. Most people can not stick to changing bad habits unless they see results soon. She is giving people want they want: quick weight loss and how to keep it off, beyond being event ready.

  4. Sometimes diet and exercise are not enough to help you reach your weight loss goals.
    Are you one of those people who has tried endless diets and fad weight loss aids without much success.
    However, Meratol is different from all such methods.

  5. These fad-diets are a crime! I mean — srsly??? 950 calories a day? Even toddlers eat more. Even 1200 is a disorder! I have tried some fad diets which resulted not only in weight gain [even I was slim, wanted to lose some more], but it resulted in health problems. 1000 cals is NOT a healthy way to live. This woman is a sick person to encourage that kind a way of living. It puts young girls and women into this neverending fight with stereotypes. I’m glad I found high-carb-raw-vegan/high-carb-vegan lifestyle. Haven’t felt more happier in years! I have energy, health and joy.

  6. I am a little late in responding to this BUT….why so people assume that in order to lose weight you must work out for 2-3 hours a day? I work out for maximum 40 minutes and day 4-5 days a week. I eat clean and stay moderately active. Even when I began this process, this is the schedule I followed and it really only took me 6 months to lose the weight (50lbs) two years later I have maintained and sometimes surpassed this.
    I do use the first 10 day diet from jackie warner Before I go on vacation so that I have the freedom to enjoy more “treats” while away. And by treats I dont mean stuffing my face with chocolate and chips and breads, just putting more of a variety of food on my plate.
    I give kudos to ms warner for this “diet” plan. it’s healthy and easy to maintain for at least ten days, IF you are the kind of person that can do that. Goodness!!!!! It’s not gonna kill ya!!!!

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