The 2012 Summer Olympics in London will soon be upon us, and with such a major event happening of course there are going to be sponsors vying for the top spot. This year that top spot sadly goes to McDonald’s who, on their never ending quest to spread obesity with a smile, are planning on constructing the world’s largest McDonald’s branch (seating over 1,500 patrons) in London’s Olympic Village.
Of course this new supersized Mickey D’s will do nothing to curb the world’s growing obesity problem and that has some British health officials giving back their Happy meals. Academy of Royal Medical Colleges spokesman Terence Stephenson says:
“It’s very sad that an event that celebrates the very best of athletic achievements should be sponsored by companies contributing to the obesity problem and unhealthy habits.”
Unfortunately since McDonald’s has been a partner of the Olympic games since 1976, the cries of Stephenson, London residents and their expanding waistlines, are most likely falling on deaf ears. Olympic officials released a statement saying:
“Sponsors provide a huge amount of the funding required to stage the games. Without our partners such as McDonald’s, the games simply wouldn’t happen.”
In short, suck it up and have a burger.
With McDonald’s estimating that 1 in 10 visitors to the games will eat at their restaurant, I wonder if the Olympics committee plans on adding a “Who can die from clogged arteries faster” category to the games?
Do you think Olympic officials and sponsors have a duty to better promote healthy living?
I’m not tripping at all. If you don’t want to eat McDonald’s don’t walk in there.