With the launch of events such as period parties, we’re welcoming girls into womanhood at an exceptionally rapid pace.
But what may seem like a celebration to most, has become a daunting conversation for others. Especially since girls are reaching puberty at earlier ages, with no real reason as to why.
According to an article at Jezebel, African American girls are 23% more likely to show signs of early development such as breast growth, by the age of seven, followed by 15% of Hispanic girls, 10% percent of Caucasian girls, and 2% of Asian girls.
With no connections for this sudden change, everything including stress, environment, and obesity are to blame.
For families who cannot provide any educational or emotional support for their children, this causes a sense of stress in many family homes who financially cannot support that their children that may need extra attention while journeying into adulthood.
Have you or your loved ones had to deal with a child who’s blossomed early? What did you do about it?
It’s the milk and GMO’s in the food.
It’s the hormones in milk and meat (period).