Added to Frugivore’s essential list of fitness bloggers, “See Jane Sweat” is another one to watch.
The Youtube V-logger is a 40-something “Jane” who represents the fitness enthusiast in all of us. Join along with her as she documents the daily workouts and meals that help her maintain a svelte physique.
For those of you wondering who exactly “Jane” is, she expresses it on her site:
“Jane is every woman who is trying to get and stay in shape. She’s the 20 year old student. The 42 year old busy mother. The 65 year old grandmother. She’s the busy executive, business owner, stay at home mom, who realizes that fitness is not a four letter word. That it’s her ticket to a happier, healthier life. She knows there are no short cuts, no quick fixes, or magic pills. She knows she has to put in work to build the body she wants. That she’s going to have to dig in, dig deep, and break a sweat. Be a Jane. Take care of you.”
Check out her website here, and follow her @seejanesweat!
She looks like she is on the other side of a heartbreak, posting videos on Youtube, hoping and wishing she can get some attention from someone. I’m post a word of encouragement on her page. she looks like she could use a phuck although I’m almost done giving them out. Mid-life crisis like a muthaphucka!