Spring has sprung. So it’s high time for us to do a bit of spring cleaning. Let’s start namely, with clearing out any negative thoughts that you have been harboring for the past few months that may be affecting your self-esteem.
No matter what you look like — short, tall, skinny, thick, black, or white — dispel any disparaging thoughts right now, and embrace yourself.
We all have something going for us. Maybe you’ve been complimented on the shape of your eyes, or the softness of your hair, or maybe you’ve been told you have a quirky look.
One thing that people find sexy is a pair of stiletto heels. Aside from accentuating one’s calves and quads, it gives the appearance of long legs. Some feminists and doctors hate that women unconsciously or consciously put their feet through high-heel pain in order to look sexy or make an outfit “complete.”
Wherever you stand, there is a way to look sexy and keep your legs healthy. June Ambrose, whose show, Styled by June, premiered on Vh1 last week, produced a workout short with trainer Harold Palacios back in 2009, which showed women how to workout while wearing your stilettos.
Check out the video below:
Now any trainer worth her/his salt would never take this workout serious, considering that fact that there is high probability you will injury yourself at some point. Nevertheless, people who wear stilettos are always going to “break them in,” so why not exercise while doing it?
No matter, if you had to choose what you absolutely adore about your body, what would you choose?
My bone structure is my sexiest part of my body. Shout out to my grandfather and his mother, both are from Somalia which is why I look so sexy
I would go with my legs if I had to choose to just one feature.
Lips and eyes. Ow. 😉