It happens to all of us. We’re going through life day by day, doing the things we normally do and then one day something changes. Those jeans that used to fit, are feeling a little snug. That doctor’s scale that never went past a certain point is now all the way over on the other side.
The list can go on and on. Those light bulb moments are never fun and sometimes we’re in such shock and disbelief that we brush it off until we’re so far gone we’re left wondering how we even got to this point. But when the reality truly sets in it hits us hard and the motivation that comes from realizing it’s time to do something about this not so little problem is unstoppable.
To be honest … I’m still somewhat in denial. I see it, I recognize it, I’m fumbling around trying to do something about it, but I broke my light bulb and threw it in the trash.
Realizing it’s time to hit the gym hasn’t been easy, but I’m working on it day by day so that when I replace that light bulb it’ll be shining on a whole new me.
When was your light bulb moment?
To mr, the reality check was pictures of me where the other people looked pretty normal and I was looking WAY different than the image I see everyday in the mirror. I started a diet and trying to improve myself by having a reasonable weight again.
For me was when I tipped the scale @ 320lbs, plain denial. Since lost 120lbs w/30 to gp to reach my ideal goal.
I was just talking to my bff about *that* moment. I went to Cache to find a dress for a wedding or something, and I ripped the side of a dress as I removed it because I was too big. The attendant was like “Um, is everything ok in there?”…I was so embarrassed at the time. Right then, I knew I had to do something about my weight before it got too out of control. I used to be 215 lbs. (I now weigh 146 at 5’6 1/2” and still am looking to lose another 6-11 lbs.)
Last year on my birthday. I had on a maxi dress, cute flip flops, toes done, hair done, face done. I went for a walk in the park with my daughter and son. My daughter took a picture of me standing on the front steps of a porch in front of the cutest cottage. I looked 6 months pregnant. I deleted the picture and took another from the chest up. I use it as my FB picture but the memory of how I looked haunts me. I still didnt’ do much. Flash forward, the week after Christmas I was getting a manicure and looked at myself and saw my double chin. I wanted to cry and almost did.
I now work out 4-5x a week with a mix of cardio, core and strenght training. I challenged myself to a half marathon next month and am becoming quite good at mananging my portions, calorie count and clean eating. My lifestyle change is underway. The scale shows a 4lb loss from January to now but my clothes say it’s not pounds but inches!
Sharing this article with my extended family now! I am hoping that many of my relatives will respond to a call for improved health in preparation for our highly-anticipated family reunion in Atlanta this August.
It appears that as many members of our family pass away (all too soon), our family seems to be at tremendous risk for horrible vascular diseases such as diabetes, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. One reason, aside from our genetic pre-disposition, is that we all enjoy cooking and eating high-fat, starchy and high-calorie foods; we also enjoy highly-sugared and high-calorie beverages. Another reason is that we like to drive cars instead of walking, to amuse ourselves by sitting around talking and by playing cards, dominos and golf—instead of regularly scheduled heart-healthy fitness activities such as hikes, aerobic dancing and going to the gym. We can’t change our genes, but these are all things we can–and should–DO something about!
I am issuing a challenge that everyone of us begin to take steps to become *mindful* of our eating habits and start to add more exercise so that we can all live to enjoy many more reunions together! Also, we need to set a good example for our kids, parents, grandkids and partners that good or poor health are neither accidental nor a matter of pure luck. We CAN take steps to HELP OURSELVES, and as responsible people who appreciate God’s blessings, we MUST do so, as soon as possible.
At our bi-annual reunions, one of the biggest activities is the Family Kickball Game. It goes without saying that the *healthiest* team will undoubtedly be the *winners* again this year… We have 5 months to train for this intense competition–and for the long-term, real-life competition between sickness and a high-quality lifestyle.
Fruigivore is a great site for health information from an African American perspective, and I urge my family to explore the articles and to “Like” Fruigivore on Facebook.