Beautiful model turned reality show star, Somaya Reece, wants her fans get up close and personal as she goes through a medical procedure to reduce the size of her breasts.
According to Hello Beautiful, the self-proclaimed “Boss” has set up an informative blog, where she quotes verified medical sources and offers her advice on health and fitness.
Here are few things Hello Beautiful learned from Somaya’s blog #ProjectBoobs:
1. Body Image
In Somaya’s most recent blog, she explains the industry’s emphasis on image. I have to say that I agree with Somaya 100% on this. Many people may feel that Somaya is a hypocrite because she’s done things to to enhance her own look, even dropping a few pounds, but she maintains that her modifications are all about her being healthy.
“This business is so cold and it’s funny how many women think that they need enhancements to get noticed in the entertainment business. You should NEVER alter your body to be in this business. Don’t let these sharks pray on you because THEY WILL. And they will misguide you! You don’t need to fall into the pressure of society. It is deadly and can lead to a vicious cycle of low self esteem because of trying to “fit in” with all the glam you see in the media. Don’t do it! Don’t fall into the hype. You are beautiful at any size and shape.”
2. Comfort Over Curves
Somaya released a video on her blog which talks about meeting with the doctors, her discomfort with her 40E breasts and wanting to be able to work out without strapping up with a few bras. Queen Latifah did the same thing because of comfort. Screw everyone else. If you need to change something about yourself to make sure that your days aren’t filled with frustration from discomfort, by all means, do it. I love that Somaya’s keeping it 100% real with #ProjectBOOBS.
“At this point in my life where I really know who I am and am comfortable with who I am. I have put a lot of thought into this. My back hurts like HELL, my bra straps are scarring my shoulders leaving these ugly red marks on them, my posture sometimes is out of whack, when I lay down my chest feels very heavy and not to mention I cannot exercise without 20 million bras on. smh Simple cardio is a project for me. I have to strap on 2 bras and 2 tank tops over the girls just to tie them down to work out comfortably.”
Read the rest at Hello Beautiful
Interesting. She showed a different side to her at first on liva and hip hop but it quickly dissolved after she got with the girl who was obsessed with her chest. She looks to be another celeb that is prolly cool when all alone but puts on a front when the cameras get too bright. I hope her surgery is a success