Weird, weird and more weird: The Thai Health Ministry has acknowledged a ‘slapping treatment’ as a viable alternative to surgery for women who wish to increase their bust size. Khemmikka Na Songkhla, a Bangkok based beautician, is currently the only person in the world who practices breast, face and butt slapping for body enhancement. She claims to have learned the technique from her grandmother and is charging interested practicioners a pretty penny to teach them how to smack people around: 10 million baht ($330,000 USD) for a body-sculpting course, 8 million baht ($260,000) for a breast slapping course, and 5 million baht ($165,000) for a face slapping course. She’s had four applicants so far.
Oddity Central reports that Khemmikka learned about slapping when she purchased a “miracle” cream as a teen in hopes of enlarging her breasts; her grandmother then presented an alternative: she told the teen to rub her chest until it hurt, slapped her breasts a few times and then doused them with ice water.
She claims her bust size grew 4 inches from the treatment, which she eventually mastered herself and has performed the routine on “thousands” of women over the past 20 years in her beauty salon.
The Thai health department got involved when a client developed breast cancer and blamed it on her slapping treatments. Khemmikka asked for a study to determine if this was possible. After six months of research, the Health Ministry found that all test subjects were free of cancer AND had significant growth in breast size.
How? The treatment includes kneading fat from areas around the breasts and pushing it towards them. She manipulates the fat and musle on the upper chest, torso and belly in six 10-minute sesssions, which are said to be painful. If a woman is too thin, she wouldn’t be able to experience the benefits of slapping.