Inspired by your responses on “Getting Healthy: Black Women Saying No to Meat,” we’d like to celebrate and highlight black women taking on meatless lifestyles. As there are many ways to go “meatless,” from pescatarian (vegetarian + seafood) to vegan, we’d like for you to tell your stories and why you’re pursuing this journey.

Every Wednesday, we will feature a different woman passionately taking on this lifestyle to inspire more black women who are either “vegetarian curious” or already members of the community. If you’re interested in being profiled, please email with your name, age, occupation, location, website (if you have one), picture, and answers to the following questions.

How long have you been vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian? And what inspired your journey?

Has vegetarianism, veganism, or pescatarianism enhanced your health? Why or why not?

In retrospect, how do you feel about meat? Or do you have any thoughts on America’s meat industry?

Was there a community of black women that helped you along your meatless journey? And if not, what are you doing to change this for others?

Spread the word to your black female vegetarian, vegan, and pescatarian friends! And check back every Tuesday and Friday for a new profile! Click to read past profiles here.


around the web


  1. I’m so glad you’ll be doing this. It will be great to add as primary data for my dissertation work about vegans and the racial-gender experience in the USA!

  2. I would like to participate so I sent you my story. It may not make it to your series but I am honoured to have sent it!

  3. This is a great series! People need to see that there are some black female veggies out here.

    Best wishes!


  4. I LOVE this online magazine. In addition, featuring black vegetarians and vegans to inspire others is a great idea. The more knowledge…the more power…the more stories on this healthy lifestyle leads to a successful healthy revolution for life in the black community.
    Donna “Sister Vegetarian”

  5. Happy to see this!!!

  6. I’m so glad to see this!

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